TinySA - Spectrum Analyzer
- Maximum input level
- 0 dBm = 1 mW
- dBm = 10*LOG(milliwatts)
- -10 dBm = 0.1 mW
- +10dBm = 10 mW
- +20dBm = 1000 mW
- 3.3V at 50 Ohm = 0.2178W
- 217.8 mW = 23.4 dBm
- tinySA wiki
30 dB Attenuator
- Built
- Standard 5% resistor values
- R2 = 2 paralleled 120 Ohm 1/4W resistors paralleled with 470 ohms = 53.2 ohms
- R1 = 820 in parallel with 22K = 790.6 ohms
- Flat from 0-30 MHz
- Measured attenuation is flat
- -30.01dB at 1 MHz
- -30.24dB at 30 MHz
- 53.1 ohms, 21.3nF
- SWR 1.06
- 1/2W max (5VDC max, 0 ohm source)
- LTSPICE Simulation
20 dB Attenuator
- Built
- Standard 5% resistor values
- R2 = 3 paralleled 180 Ohm 1/4W resistors = 60 ohms
- R1 = 510 in parallel with 8.2K = 247.3 ohms
- Flat from 0-30 MHz
- Measured attenuation is flat
- -tbd dB at 1 MHz
- -tbd4dB at 30 MHz
- tbd ohms, tbd nF
- SWR tbd
- 1/2W max (5V max, 0 ohm source)
- LTSPICE Simulation