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== Two Versions of the QT Py ==
* AdaFruit has SAMD21 and RP2040 versions of the QT Py
** Same pinouts/form factors
* RP2040 vs SAM version
** RP2040 is faster (125 MHz vs 48 MHz)
** RP2040 has 2 cores vs 1
** RP2040 has more Flash
** RP2040 has more SRAM
** The RP2040 version is more expensive, but about the same cost if the SAM version is used with an external Flash
=== SAMD21 QT Py===
<video type="youtube">iI9lUsVSuF8</video>
== Two Versions of the QT Py ==
<video type="youtube">0Qssr6B6MrU</video>
* [https://www.adafruit.com/product/4600 Adafruit QT Py SAMD21 Product Page]
** ATSAMD21E18 32-bit Cortex M0+ version
** 48 MHz, 32-bit processor
** 256KB Flash
** 32 KB RAM
* Native USB supported by every OS
** Can be used in Arduino or [https://circuitpython.org/ CircuitPython] as USB serial console, MIDI, Keyboard/Mouse HID, even a little disk drive for storing Python scripts.
* Built in RGB NeoPixel LED
* 11 GPIO pins:
** True analog output on one I/O pin
*** Can be used to play 10-bit quality audio clips in Arduino
**** CircuitPython does not have storage for audio clips
** 9 x 12-bit analog inputs (SDA/SCL do not have analog inputs)
** 1 x Optional AREF on A1
** 9 x PWM outputs (A0 is analog out, A1 is not PWM capable)
** Hardware I2C port with STEMMA QT plug-n-play connector
** Hardware UART
** Hardware SPI
** Hardware I2S
** 6 x Capacitive Touch with no additional components required
* 3.3V regulator with [https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/AP2112.pdf 600mA peak output] AP2112
* Optional SOIC-8 SPI Flash chip on bottom
** Can't use castellated pins if Flash on bottom is installed
** [https://www.adafruit.com/product/4763 GD25Q16]
** Access the SPI flash in Arduino on SPI1 and chip select pin 17
** In CircuitPython, a '[https://circuitpython.org/board/qtpy_m0_haxpress/ haxpress]' version of the runtime will need to be installed, so it knows to look for the larger filesystem
** There is more hardware support in the haxpress CircuitPython build because we can add more code to the internal flash instead of using it for a filesystem
* Reset switch for starting your project code over or entering bootloader mode
* USB Type C connector
=== RP2040 QT Py ===
[[file:QT Py RP2040.PNG]]
<video type="youtube">00t5y4nQlH8</video>
* [https://www.adafruit.com/product/4900 Adafruit QT Py RP2040 Product page]
* USB Type C connector
* RP2040 32-bit Cortex M0+ dual-core
* Runs at ~125 MHz
* 264 KB RAM
* 8 MB SPI FLASH chip for storing files and CircuitPython/MicroPython code storage. No EEPROM
* Can be used with MicroPython or CircuitPython
* Built-in RGB NeoPixel LED
* 13 GPIO pins (11 breakout pads and two QT pads):
** Four 12 bit ADCs (one more than Pico)
** Two I2C ports (one on the QT connector, one on the breakout pads)
** SPI and UART peripherals, in standard QT Py locations,
** PWM outputs on every IO pin - for servos, LEDs, etc
** There are 6 GPIO in consecutive order for PIO compatibility
* 3.3V logic and power 600 mA
* Both Reset button and Bootloader select buttons for quick restarts (no unplugging-replugging to relaunch code)
=== Links ===
* [https://circuitpython.org/board/qtpy_m0/ Adafruit QT Py page]
* [https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-qt-py Adafruit Learning System for QT Py]
== Pins ==
=== 3V ===
* Regulated output from the onboard regulator. You can draw 500mA
=== 5V ===
* 5v out from the USB port.
* Voltage input
** Requires external diode
*** Schottky, signal, power
*** Between external power source and this pin
*** Cannot power the USB port by supplying 5V to this pin
**** There is a protection diode that prevents the 5V from reaching the USB connector.
**** This is to protect host computer USB ports, etc.
=== A0 / D0 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 0  ===
* Digital I/O 0
* True analog output with 10 bit precision
* Does not have PWM
* Capacitive touch input.
=== A1 / D1 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 1 ===
* Digital I/O 1
* Capacitive touch input
* AREF pin.
=== A2 / D2 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 2  ===
* Digital I/O 2
* Capacitive touch input.
=== A3 / D3 - Digital/analog GPIO pin 3 ===
* Digital I/O 3
* PWM output
* Capacitive touch input.
=== SDA / D4 ===
* Digital I/O 4
* I2C SDA pin
* PWM output
* No analog on this pin
* No pull up on this pin
* When using with I2C requires an external 2.2K-10K pullup to 3.3V.
=== SCL / D5 ===
* Digital I/O 5
* No analog on this pin
* No pull up on this pin
* When using with I2C requires an external 2.2K-10K pullup to 3.3V.
=== TX / A6 / D6 ===
* Digital I/O 6
* Transmit (output) for Serial1
* Analog 6
* PWM output
* Capacitive touch input
=== RX / A7 / D7 ===
* Digital I/O 7
* Receive (input) for Serial1
* Analog 7
* PWM output
* Capacitive touch input
=== SCK / A8 / D8 ===
* Digital I/O 8
* SPI SCK pin
* Analog 8
* PWM output
=== MISO / A9 / D9 ===
* Digital I/O 8
* SPI MISO pin
* Analog 8
* PWM output
=== MOSI / A10 / D10 ===
* Digital I/O 10
* SPI MOSI pin
* Analog 10
* PWM output
=== NeoPixel ===
* Connected to digital pin 11 for signal
* Set pin 12 low for low power usage
* By default pin 12 is set high by Arduino/CircuitPython
== Programming ==
* C/C++ or CircuitPython
=== C/C++ ===
* [https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk RP2040 C/C++ SDK]
=== MicroPython ===
* [https://github.com/micropython/micropython/tree/master/ports/rp2 RP2040 MicroPython Repo]
=== CircuitPython ===
==== CircuitPython for SAMD ====
* Adafruit CircuitPython 6.1.0 on 2021-01-21
** [https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/README.html CircuitPython] is a derivative of MicroPython
** CircuitPython looks for a code file on the board to run
*** There are four options: code.txt, code.py, main.txt and main.py
*** CircuitPython looks for those files, in that order, and then runs the first one it finds
** [https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides/blob/master/Welcome_to_CircuitPython/QT_Py_blink.py
* Adafruit QT Py M0 Haxpress with samd21e18
** [https://circuitpython.org/board/qtpy_m0_haxpress/ QT Py Haxpress] used with 2MB Flash EEPROM
blink.py for QT Py]
* [https://codewith.mu/ Mu code editor]
* Free memory
** Reports about 19KB of free space
import gc
==== Land Boards Python Code ====
* [https://github.com/land-boards/lb-boards/tree/master/Projects/QTPy/Land%20Boards GitHub]
==== Digital I/O Example ====
import board
import digitalio
import time
led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
while True:
    led.value = True
    led.value = False
== Flash EEPROM 2 MB ==
* AdaFruit and Seeed Studio have SAMD21 and RP2040 versions of the QT Py (XIAO on Seeed Studio) with the same form factor
** [[QT Py (SAMD based)]]
** [[QT Py (RP2040 based)]]
* [[QTPy49|QTPy49 Breakout card]]
== RP2040 vs SAM version ==
== QT Py Breakout Board ==
* RP2040 is faster (125 MHz vs 48 MHz)
* RP2040 has 2 cores vs 1
* RP2040 has more Flash
* RP2040 has more SRAM
* The RP2040 version is more expensive, but about the same cost if the SAM version is used with an external Flash
* [https://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/2020/01/09/samd21-arduino-boards-which-one-should-you-use/ SAMD21/RP2040 Arduino Boards – Which 32-bit Microcontrollers should you use?]
* Built onto [[GRID49]] card
== QTPy49 Breakout Card ==
* Socket for QT Py
* QT Py pins brought to header strips
* 3.3V power distribution on 2x8 header
=== Pins (CCW direction) ===
* [[QTPy49]]
* S12 = A0
* R12 = A1
* Q12 = A2
* P12 = A3
* N12 = SDA
* M12 = SCL
* L12 = TX
* L1 = RX
* M1 = SCK
* N1 = MI
* P1 = MO
* Q1 = 3.3V
* R1 = GND
* S1 = 5V
* A6=B6=C6=D6=E6=F6=G6=H6 = GND
* A7=B7=C7=D7=E7=F7=G7=H7 = 3.3V

Latest revision as of 19:31, 24 July 2022


QTPy49 P18254-720px.jpg

Two Versions of the QT Py

RP2040 vs SAM version


QTPy49 Breakout Card
