PiPicoMite03 Rev1 Assembly Sheet

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PicoMite03 Rev1 CAD.PNG

Parts List

  • Approximate assembly order
Find Qty Ref Des Part Number Find Qty Ref Des Part Number
1 1 U2 TXS0104EDR or TXS0104ED 12 4 C1, C2, C3, C8 0.1uF
2 2 R1, R2 47 13 2 C4, C6 47nF
3 2 R3, R6 270 14 2 C5, C7 47uF
4 1 R4 820 15 1 D1 1N5819 Mouser
5 1 R5 390 16 1 SD1 Conn, SD Card Mouser
6 4 R7, R8, R10, R11 2.2K 17 1 J1 CONN, DB15HD, BLUE (VGA) Mouser
7 2 R9, R12 1K 18 1 J2 USB-B Mouser
8 2 R13, R14 10K 19 1 J3 PS2_DIN6 ebay
9 1 H1 Header, Strt, 1x6 (RTC) 20 1 J4 AudioJack3 Mouser
10 2 H2, H5 Header, Strt, 2x6 21 1 U1 Raspberry Pi Pico Digikey Adafruit
11 2 H3, H4 Header, Strt, 1x6


  • H1 = optional DS1307 RTC module
  • Headers H2-H5 are optional for I/O expansion
    • Installs battery side up
  • Can use (2) of 1x20 female headers at U1 or install Pico directly with headers
  • Resistors can be 1/8W or 1/4W