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ESP32-TERM P0648-800px.jpg


  • ESP32 Module
    • UART interface
    • Keyboard/Mouse interface
    • Drives VGA video
    • Runs FabGL ANSI/VT Terminal firmware
  • "Typical" Serial Terminal Connectors
    • Connectors down long side of the card
    • VGA
    • PS-2 keyboard
    • PS-2 mouse
    • Audio jack
    • DE-9 Serial
    • 5V DC on USB-B
  • "Special" connectors
    • Connectors down the short side
    • Use with cards like SIMPLE-68008 which have FTDI connections
    • FTDI connector - 6-pin
    • 5V connector
  • Programmable LED on P14
  • 145x95mm size
  • (4) 4-40 mounting holes

ESP-32 Module

ESP32 MODULE-720PX.jpg

ESP-32 Module Pinout


"Chip" on the module


ESP32 Pin Usage

ESP-32 TERM Pinout Rev1.PNG

Module Features

  • Architecture: Xtensa Dual-Core 32-bit LX6
  • CPU frequency: up to 240MHz
  • Total RAM available: 528KB (part of it reserved for system)
  • BootROM: 448KB
  • Internal FlashROM: none
  • External FlashROM: code and data, via SPI Flash; usual size 4MB
  • GPIO: 34 (GPIOs are multiplexed with other functions, including external FlashROM, UART, etc.)
  • UART: 3 RX/TX UART (no hardware handshaking), one TX-only UART
  • SPI: 4 SPI interfaces (one used for FlashROM)
  • I2C: 2 I2C (bitbang implementation available on any pins)
  • I2S: 2
  • ADC: 12-bit SAR ADC up to 18 channels
  • DAC: 2 8-bit DACs
  • RMT: 8 channels allowing accurate pulse transmit/receive
  • Programming: using BootROM bootloader from UART - due to external FlashROM and always-available BootROM bootloader, the ESP32 is not brickable


P1 - VGA

  • DB-15HD connector
  • 64-colors (2:2:2)
  • ESP32 pins
  HSync => GPIO23
  VSync => GPIO15
  R0    => GPIO22
  R1    => GPIO21
  G0    => GPIO19
  G1    => GPIO18
  B0    => GPIO5
  B1    => GPIO4


VGA - Resistor Selection

  • ESP32 has a 3.3V driver which can drive more than 10 mA
  • Ideal case drive current
    • 0.7V (full scale VGA level) into 75 Ohms = 9.33 mA
    • 2/3 of the current or 6.16 mA comes from the lower value resistor (digital most significant bit)
    • 1/3 of the current or 3.08 mA comes from the higher value resistor (digital least significant bit)
  • R-2R values
  • Voltage steps are:

VGA Sim 2R Voltage.PNG

  • Current steps are:

VGA Sim 2R Current.PNG

Video DAC LTSpice Simulation

Summing Video Resistor DAC

  • Best values (1%)
    • 422, 845
    • 470, 820 are close/standard values
  • 0.7V into 75 Ohm VGA load
  • 3.3V drive
  • ESP32 has 40 mA drive
    • Uses 8 mA (max)
  • Output in 4 equal voltage steps

VGA Sim 2R Voltage.PNG

P2 - PS/2 Keyboard

ESP-32 TERM P2 P3 Rev1.PNG

  • Purple DIN 6 connector
  • 5V power to the keyboard
  • Shift 3.3V levels of the ESP32 to 5V of the keyboard/mouse
  • ESP32 pins
  KBDAT   => GPIO32
  KBCLK   => GPIO33

P3 - PS/2 Mouse

  • Green DIN 6 connector
  • 5V power to the keyboard
  • ESP32 pins
  MSEDAT   => GPIO27
  MSECLK   => GPIO26

P4 - Audio Out


  • Mono output wired on both pins (ring/tip) of stereo 3.5mm Jack
  • Line level outputs
    • Requirs amplification
  • ESP32 pins
  AUD   => GPIO25

P5 - RS-232


  • On-board TTL to RS-232 converter
    • Swings +/- 10V
  • DB-9 Female
  • DCE wiring

DCE - RS-232 Connections

  • This card has a DCE connector
    • The DCE (peripheral) has the female DB-9 connector
  • The DTE (Host CPU) has the male DB-9 connector


  • ESP-32 pins
  RX2    => GPIO34
  TX2    => GPIO2
  RTS    => GPIO13
  CTS    => GPIO35

P6 - 5V Power (USB)

ESP-32 TERM P6 J1 Rev1.PNG

  • USB-B connector
  • Power only (no data)
  • Power can be sent out on J1 to external Processor card (like SIMPLE-68008 card)

J1 - 5V Power Header

ESP-32 TERM P6 J1 Rev1.PNG

  • 2z3 right angle header
  • Can be used for power in or out of the card
    • Only one power source can be used with the card

J2 - FTDI Power in/out Header

ESP-32 TERM j2 j3 Rev1.PNG

  • 1x2 right angle header
  • Don't install jumper if an external FTDI interface with 5V power out is used

J3 - FTDI Header

ESP-32 TERM j2 j3 Rev1.PNG

  • 1x6 right angle header
  • Most recent (2020-02) ANSI terminal uses pin 34 for Rx
  • Pinout
  1. GND
  2. RTS (from ESP32)
  3. 5V (Power in if J2 is installed)
  4. RX (to ESP32)
  5. TX (from ESP32)
  6. CTS (to ESP32)
  • ESP32 pins
  RX2    => GPIO34
  TX2    => GPIO2
  RTS    => GPIO13
  CTS    => I35

Connections to SIMPLE-68008 Card

Pin Signal Pin Signal
2 RTS (out) 2 CTS (in)
3 +5V 3 +5V
4 RX (in) 4 TX (out)
5 TX (out) 5 RX (in)
6 CTS (in) 6 RTS (out)

Connect to FTDI card

  • Set FTDI jumper to 5V (image below shows jumper set to 5V)

FTDI rot.jpg

J4 - Serial Source Selection Header


  • 2x3 header
  • Select either RS-232 connector or FTDI connector
  • Silkscreen shows the appropriate side
    • Both left for TTL level signals (via FTDI connection)
    • Both right for RS-232 level signals


  • FabGL ANSI Terminal
    • Using ANSI/VT Terminal for the ESP32 application
  • Programmed using Arduino IDE

FabGL Libraries

FabGL GPIOs assignment

    HSync => IO23
    VSync => IO15
    R0    => IO21
    R1    => IO22
    G0    => IO18
    G1    => IO19
    B0    => IO4
    B1    => IO5

    AUD   => IO25

  PS/2 - Keyboard
    DAT   => IO32
    CLK   => IO33

  PS/2 - Mouse (Not used)
    DAT   => IO27
    CLK   => IO26

    RX    => IO34
    TX    => IO2
    RTS   => IO13
    CTS   => I35

FabGL Arduino library

  • Using FabGL library v1.0.9

FabGL Library.PNG

Using Latest FabGL builds (not necessary to run the ANSITerminal)

  • Fabrizio does a nice job of keeping his Arduino libraries up to date but if you want a bleeding edge experience, you can download his code from GitHub. Note, he's in active development so things often change.

Here's how I did it

  • Install drivers via Arduino from the Library Manager
    • These are not necessarily the latest files
  • Move the FabGL from the Arduino libraries file folder to the desktop
  • Copy the FabGL from the GitHub download to the Arduino files folder (where you removed the other folder)
    • Examples will now be the latest.
  • Compile/download/test the new files. You know it works if you now get sound from Space Invaders.
  • Save as where you would normally save your Arduino sketches.

Arduino Programming

FabGL BoardMgr.PNG

  • Select the application
    • File, examples, FabGL, examples, VGA, AnsiTerminal

FabGL ANSITerminal.PNG

  • You may have to remove the module from the card to program it
    • Pins on the card collide with download
  • If you try to upload a new sketch to your ESP32 and you get this error message “A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out… Connecting…“. It means that your ESP32 is not in flashing/uploading mode
    • You will need to press the boot button on the ESP32 module and release it after the Connecting message appears in the IDE

WROOM Module BootButton.jpg

  • Press the “Upload” button in the Arduino IDE to upload your sketch
  • After you see the “Connecting….” message in your Arduino IDE, release the finger from the “BOOT” button:

Ardino ESP32.png

Other Builds

  • FabGL Serial Terminal - TTL and RS232


Rev 1

  • Check 5V power/ground short at J1
  • Loopback Tx>Rx ant RTS > CTS
  • Power up board via USB-B P6
  • Lights will illuminate on ESP module
  • Set baud rate (38,400)
  • Enable RTS/CTS
  • Type on keyboard, loops back
  • Card works



Assembly Sheet