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=== Arduino NANO MOZZI ===
=== Arduino NANO MOZZI ===
==== NANO Pinout ====
[[Arduino NANO MOZZI on ER-PROTO-01]]
==== Controls ====
* 6 Pots
** RV1 = Analog 7
** RV2 - Analog 4
** RV3 - Analog 6
** RV4 - Analog 3
** RV5 - Analog 5
** RV6 - Analog 2
* 2 CV Input Jacks
** J1 = Analog 0
** J2 = Analog 1
* 1 Output Jack
** J4 = MOZZI HI DEF Audio
==== Audio Out Schematic ====
==== CV In Schematic ====
* ANA0 in example
==== Parts ====
* 3D view
* Top parts view
* Bottom parts view
* With NANO
* CAD placement
==== Wires ====
NET: ANA0, A1-19, (C7-1, D1-2, D3-1, R9-2)
NET: ANA1, A1-20, (C8-1, D2-2, D4-1, R10-2)
NET: ANA2, A1-21, J37-3
NET: ANA3, A1-22, J37-6
NET: ANA4, A1-23, J37-9
NET: ANA5, A1-24, J37-12
NET: ANA6, A1-25, J37-15
NET: ANA7, A1-26, J37-18
NET: J1-T, J38-1, (R7-1, R9-1)
NET: J2-T, J38-5, (R10-1, R8-1)
NET: J4-T, J38-7, (C10-1, R14-2)
NET: GND1, J37-7
NET: GND2, J38-6
NET: GND3, A1-4
NET: GND4, A1-29
NET: +5VD, A1-27, J37-11
NET: L5V, J37-14, J37-8
NET: LGND, J37-16, J37-4
==== Parts List ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Find
! Qty
! Ref Des
! Part Number
| 1
| 2
| R7, R8
| 100K
| 2
| 2
| R9, R10
| 10K
| 3
| 2
| R11, R14
| 3.9K
| 4
| 2
| R12, R13
| 1M
| 5
| 4
| D1-D4
| BAT41
| 6
| 8
| C1-C8
| 0.1uF
| 7
| 1
| C9
| 4.7nF
| 8
| 1
| C10
| 10nF
| 9
| 1
| J5
| HEADER, 2X10
| 10
| 1
| J6
| [https://store.synthrotek.com/16-Pin_Keyed_Shrouded_Eurorack_Power_Header HEADER, 2X8]
| 11
| 1
| J10
| HEADER, 1x8
| 12
| 1
| A1
| Arduino_Nano_v3
==== Software ====
* [https://github.com/land-boards/lb-Arduino-Code/blob/master/LBCards/SYNTHS/PROTO01_POTS_CHECK/PROTO01_POTS_CHECK.ino PROTO01_POTS_CHECK.ino] - Dump pots/input jacks to screen
=== CV4 - 4 Control Voltages ===
=== CV4 - 4 Control Voltages ===
* Pot controlled CV generator
** Useful for testing VCOs, etc
* (4) Buffered Outputs
* 4 Pots
** RV1-RV4 used
** RV5, RV6 not used
* 4 Jacks
** RV1 controls J1, etc
* Output voltage Levels are assignable via jumpers
** +5V/GND
** +12V/-12V
** +12V/GND
==== 3D PCB Layout ====
* Board soldermask is actually black, but shown in green for contrast
=== Noise Generator ===
==== Schematic ====
[[Noise_Generator_on_ER-PROTO-01|Noise Generator on ER-PROTO-01]]
* Opamp buffers
* Voltage selection headers
* Output jacks
=== Slew Rate Controller ===
* Jack grounds connected on Controls card (3 jumpers)
* Single ground connection on daughtercard (1 jumper)
[[Slew Rate Controller on ER-PROTO-01]]
* Pots on Controls card
== Assembly Sheet ==
* Connections of CW and CCW
** RV1 goes to RV2
** RV3 goes to RV4
* [[ER-PROTO-01 Assembly Sheet]]

Latest revision as of 17:48, 18 January 2023




  • Eurorack Prototyping card set
  • 6 HP wide (30mm) front panel
  • 3U tall
  • Three card set
    • Board interconnect headers duplicated on headers
    • 30mm wide front panel
    • 28mm wide panel and daughtercards
  • 6 POTS
    • Marked as RV1-RV5
    • Series resistors on pot wiper
    • All 3 pot pins brought to top header
  • 4 Jacks
    • Marked as J1-J4
    • Tip/sleeve brought to header near middle/bottom
  • Pots on top, jacks on bottom of card
    • Easier to adjust pots without bumping into pots
    • Pots more often accessed than jacks
  • Large prototyping area
    • 58 nodes with 3 holes per node (29 per "side")
  • +12V, -12V down board edges
  • 5V/GND down center of card
  • Bussed connections horizontally
  • Front Panel with generic labels
    • Cover with White on Black P-Touch labels


  • J1-J4 are front panel connectors

Inter-card Connectors


  • J5 on the Controls card and J5 on the I/O card
  • Pot connections
    • POTx-1 is fully CW connects to wiper
    • POTx-2 is wiper
    • POTX-3 is fully CCW connects to wiper

RV Conns.PNG

  • To make pot into voltage control
    • POTx-1 (CW) = +5V
    • POTx-13CCW = GND
    • Wire RV1-1 to RV3-1 to RV5-1 on controls card
    • Wire RV1-3 to RV3-3 to RV5-3 on controls card
    • Wire RV2-1 to RV4-1 to RV6-1 on controls card
    • Wire RV2-3 to RV4-3 to RV6-3 on controls card



  • J6 on the controls card and J37 on the I/O card


Daughtercard Connectors

J5, J37 - POT connectione

ER-PROTO-DB-01 J5.png

ER-PROTO-DB-01 J37.png

J6 - Eurorack Power

  • J6 on the I/O card
    • Eurorack power
    • 2x5 IDC
    • GATE, CV not connected

ER-PROTO-DB-01 J6.png

J10 - Jacks connections on Controls card

ER-PROTO-DB-01 J10.png

J38 - Jacks connections

ER-PROTO-DB-01 J38.png




ER-PROTO-01-NANO-MOZZI P1080687-720PX.jpg

ER-PROTO-01-NANO-MOZZI P1080693-720PX.jpg

CV4 - 4 Control Voltages


ER-PROTO-01-CV4 P1090031-F B 720px.jpg

Noise Generator

Noise Generator on ER-PROTO-01

ER-PROTO-01 NOISE P1080751-720px.jpg

ER-PROTO-01 NOISE P1080755-720px.jpg

Slew Rate Controller

Slew Rate Controller on ER-PROTO-01

Assembly Sheet