Revision as of 20:25, 21 March 2022 by Blwikiadmin (talk | contribs)
- 8 bits of Digital I/O
- I2C interface
- MCP23008 - 8-Bit I/O Expander with I2C Interface
- Base address = 0x20
- Address offset jumpers (0-7)
- Interrupt pin on I2C connectors
- Interrupt LED
- I2C Daisy-chain connectors
- 4 input (or output) jumpers
- 4 LEDs
- 2.7V to 5.5V
- 49x49mm form factor
- (4) #4-40 mounting holes
Drivers/Example Code
Extensive Driver Support for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, MicroPython, ESP-32, Blue Pill Board, Cypress PSoC
- Github repo - Arduino Driver code
- Github repo - Arduino Example code
- Github repo - MicroPython Driver
Factory Acceptance Test
Test Station Theory of Operations
- Test Station controls the I2C interface on the UUT
- Three tests
- Internal Test
- External Loopback Test
- Bounce an LED Test
Test Station Set-up
- Uses ODAS Test Station V2
- Unit Under Test (UUT)
- Attach Host Computer USB to the Arduino NANO on the Test Station
- Run puTTY on the Host Computer
- 9600 baud
Card Selection
- puTTY will display the menu
Checking if EEPROM is present on UUT...EEPROM is not present on UUT Count of I2C devices in range 0x20-0x27 on UUT = 1 Detected MCP23008 Select the board type (Other) 1 - I2CIO8 board 2 - I2CIO8X board Select board >
- Select 1
Init I2CIO-8 card C=Card Tests, D=Direct, E=EEPROM, I=access Internal DIGIO32
Running Card Test
- Select Card Tests = "C"
- Select Run Tests = "T"
- Move jumper across the 4 jumper pins H5-H8
- LEDs will correspond
- INT LED will blink on/off
- Observe test results
C=Card Tests, D=Direct, E=EEPROM, I=access Internal DIGIO32 L=Loop/S=Single, T=Test, B=Bounce LEDs, I=UUT Int'l Tests, X=eXit sub-menu Testing UUT = I2CIO-8 I2CIO8 card tests Move jumper across H5-H8, observe LEDs D0-D3 Verify Int LED blinks Hit a key to stop test Test PASS = 1, FAIL = 0
- Hit ENTER to display menu
L=Loop/S=Single, T=Test, B=Bounce LEDs, I=UUT Int'l Test, X=eXit sub-menu
Running Internal Tests
- Remove loopback cable
- Select Card Tests = "C"
- Select Run Tests = "I"
- Observe test results
L=Loop/S=Single, T=Test, B=Bounce LEDs, I=UUT Int'l Tests, X=eXit sub-menu UUT Internal card tests Test PASS = 2, FAIL = 0
- Hit ENTER to display menu
L=Loop/S=Single, T=Test, B=Bounce LEDs, I=UUT Int'l Test, X=eXit sub-menu
Running Blink LED Test
- Select Card Tests = "C"
- Select Run Tests = "B"
- Observe LEDs scanning on the 4 LEDs on the card
L=Loop/S=Single, T=Test, B=Bounce LEDs, I=UUT Int'l Test, X=eXit sub-menu Bounce a bit across outputs Bouncing LEDs I2CIO8 - any key to stop
- Hit ENTER to display the menu
Finished bouncing LEDs