PiPicoMite02 Based Test Station
- PiPicoMite02 Processor Card
- LED-32
- UUT Cables Set
- PS/2 keyboard
- VGA Monitor
- SD card with Test Code
- 5V into USB B or power card with USB Micro on Pico
PiPicoMite02 Processor Card
- Test code is stored on SD Card
- External I2C cards connect to J1 - I2C0 connector
- DB-37 to connect to external test cards
LED-32 Card
- 32 LEDs
- 8 Ground pins
- Connect with Ribbon Cables
Cable Sets
- Ribbon cables
- Connect directly to LED-32 card or to DB37RIBBON card(s)
Test Station Validation / Self-Test
- PiPicoMite02 card Test Station
- DB37RIBBON card
- GPIO32-01.bas - test software
- Bounces a bit across the LEDs