- Eurorack 6HP, 3U module
- LF398 Sample and Hold
- Based on schmitzbits YASH * (Yet another Sample and Hold) design
- Adjustable Internal Clock over-ridden by external jack
- Signal Level LED
- Noise Generator
- Based on Moritz Klein's Designing a white, pink & blue noise generator from scratch design
- White, Pink, Blue noise outputs
- Outputs are all buffered
- White noise routed to Sample and hold switch input
- If no jack is connected to the Sample and Hold Input jack, the input is from the white noise output
- 10 pin Eurorack power connector
Sample and Hold
Noise Generator Function
- Credit Moritz Klein's Designing a white, pink & blue noise generator from scratch design
- Noise Generator
- Prototype Noise Generator on ER-PROTO-01 card
- White/Pink/Blue noise
- Low Pass Filter (Pink Noise)
- High Pass Filter (Blue Noise)