Revision as of 19:30, 4 October 2024 by Blwikiadmin (talk | contribs) (→String Read/Interpreter Code)
- Z80 CPU
- Oscillator 8 MHz nominal on card
- Reset switch/power monitor
- Address decoder PLD drives RAM/ROM/IO chip selects
- 100x50mm card
Memory Map
- 0x0000-0x1FFF 8KB ROM
- 32KB or 56KB SRAM
- I/O
- 0x00-0x7F - Free
- 0x80-0x81 - Serial port (ACIA)
CPU and Power Supervisor/Reset
- Z80 CPU
- Oscillator 8 MHz nominal on card
- Reset switch/power monitor
Z80 Register Set
Memory Access Timing
I/O Access Timing
- 8MHZ or 10 MHz oscillator
- ATF16V8B part
- TL866ii Plus Programmer
PLD Listing
Name LB-Z80-01_PLD; Partno ATF16V8B; Date 09/17/20; Revision 01; Designer DOUG G; Company LAND BOARDS LLC; Assembly LB-Z80-01_U2; Location Rustbelt, US; Device G16V8; /* */ /* Control inputs */ PIN 1 = CLK; PIN 2 = CPUA13; PIN 3 = CPUA14; PIN 4 = CPUA15; PIN 5 = !MREQ; PIN 6 = !IORQ; PIN 7 = !M1; PIN 8 = !CPURD; PIN 9 = !CPUWR; /* Address Decode and Chip Select outputs */ PIN 13 = !ROMCS; PIN 14 = !IOCS; PIN 16 = !MEMRD; PIN 15 = !RAMCS; PIN 18 = !WAIT; ROMCS = !CPUA15 & !CPUA14 & !CPUA13 & MREQ & CPURD; RAMCS = CPUA15 & MREQ # CPUA14 & MREQ # CPUA13 & MREQ; IOCS = !M1 & IORQ; WAIT = !MREQ # !IORQ; MEMRD = CPURD;
Backplane Connector
- TASM.EXE - Telemark Assembler
- The Telemark Assembler (TASM) User's Manual
- The version of TASM in Grant's build zip file doesn't run under Win 11
- [Probably need] the updated TASM80.TAB to run on Win 11
ACIA Loopback Test Code
- AciaTest.asm - Source code
- Type a character, get it back
- 115,200 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity
- Works
String Test Code
- StringTest.asm*
- String write code
- Includes loopback code
- Works
String Read/Interpreter Code
- ReadStringTest.asm
- Adds a string read function
- Adds an interpreter skeleton
- Works
- Microsoft BASIC 4.7 modified to remove all hardware-specific code
- Use Grant Searle's 32KB SRAM version if the LB-MEM-02 card is used
- Use Grant's 56KB version if the LB-MEM-03 card is used
Build Details
- Assembler files (for Windows 11/DOS)
- S Record and Hex file manipulation
- Combine int32k.hex and BAS32K.HEX into rom32.hex using srec-cat
- Command line
- srec_cat.exe int32k.hex -Intel BAS32K.HEX -Intel -fill 0xff 0x0144 0x014f -o rom32.hex -Intel
- Command line
- _ASSEMBLE.BAT - double-click in Windows to run the assembly if needed
- Adds srec_cat to combine files into one Intel Hex file
NASCOM BASIC - Code Repository
- NASCOM BASIC Source Code - 32KB version
- NASCOM BASIC Source Code - 56KB version
Source files
- intmini.asm - the interupt driven mini startup program needed to boot into BASIC
- basic.asm - BASIC 4.7b - a conversion of Microsoft BASIC 4.7, as used on the Nascom computers (see below for details)
Output files
- List files
- Hex files
- ROM32.HEX - the complete 8K ROM ready for burning to an EPROM
- The unused contents are filled with FF values.
- Within the ROM, the serial handler is first (starting at address 0000H), followed by the BASIC interpreter (starting at 0100H).
- Hex file format
- ASCII Table
- BASIC is Microsoft BASIC 4.7 for the NASCOM, heavily modified by Grant to remove references to different monitors, screen handlers and keyboard matrix reading
- TASM assembler is a partial distribution of the package from Speech Technology Incorporated
- Z80 Assembly Language Programming - Concise description of the register set, Chapter 3 page 1-42 of Z80, assembly language programming by Leventhal, Lance A.
- Programming the Z80 1980 Rodnay Zaks
- Z80, assembly language programming by Leventhal, Lance A., 1945-
- ASCII Table
Rev 2 Changes
- Fixed resistor silkscreen values
- Re-sequenced resistor reference designator
- Made reset switch right angle
- Add LED and resistor to PLD pin 15
- Add CPUD0 to PLD pin 11
- Added bulk capacitor
Rev 1 Checkout
- Didn't use silkscreen values, used
- R1 = 4.7K
- Other resistors are 10K
- Z80 nop tester nop = 0x00
- Refresh complicates this
- Made C2 a bulk cap (100uF)