Daughtercard to the Raspberry Pi (you supply the Raspberry Pi) 3.3V to 5V bidirectional voltage translators on GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) lines (7) 5V GPIO lines on GVS connectors (2) 5V SPI interfaces (can be used as 5 GPIO lines) (1) 5V UART (serial port) interface (1) 5V I2C interface (can be used as 2 GPIO lines) GPIO_4 enables/disables the voltage translators Resettable Fuse protection on the 5V power lines 7-9V input voltage on the Power Supply connector (option) which has a regulator that can power the GVS connectors (within thermal limits of the regulator) removing any 5V load from the Raspberry Pi itself Jumper to select power for GVS (allows the GVS connectors to be powered from either the on-board regulator (option) or powered from the Raspberry Pi) 49x49mm card form factor