Front Panel For 8 Bit Computers

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Front Panel for 8-Bit Microprocessors


Top row controls

Typical controls.



It has these features. They may not fit your generic design. Especially since this card has to have an I2C interface.

  • 32 Pushbutton Switches
  • 32 LEDs
  • I2C interface (Two Wire interface - plus power and ground)
    • Jumper selectable base address
    • Occupies I2C addresses either 0x20-0x23 or 0x24-0x27
    • Jumper Selectable I2C terminators
  • I2C daisy-chain connector
    • Interrupt line
      • Can be configured to interrupt on button presses
      • MCP23017 need to be set to Open-Drain output - card has pull-up to Vcc
  • 4 MCP23017 16-bit I2C Port Expanders
    • These are fine pitch surface mount parts
  • 3.3V or 5V operation
  • Compatible form factor with RETRO-EP4CE15 and other cards
    • 95x95mm
    • 6-32 mounting holes


J2 - I2C Connector

  • Two row header on bottom of card
  • 5 pin in
  • 4 pin out (daisy-chain)
  1. GND
  2. VCC
  3. SDA
  4. SCL
  5. INT*


  1. GND
  2. VCC
  3. SDA
  4. SCL



VHDL Driver

VHDL Entity

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Front Panel starts here
fp01 : work.FrontPanel01
  port map
    -- Clock and reset
    i_CLOCK_50		=> i_CLOCK_50,		-- Clock (50 MHz)
    i_n_reset		=> w_resetClean_n,	-- Reset
    -- 32 outs, 32 ins
    i_FPLEDs		=> w_LEDsOut,		-- Out to LEDs (32)
    o_PBRaw		=> w_PBsRaw,		-- Raw version of the Pushbuttons (32)
    o_PBLatched		=> w_PBLatched,		-- Latched version of the Pushbuttons (32)
    o_PBToggled		=> w_PBsToggled,	-- Toggle version of the Pushbuttons (32)
    -- I2C interface
    io_I2C_SCL		=> io_I2C_SCL,		-- I2C clock to Front Panel card
    io_I2C_SDA		=> io_I2C_SDA,		-- I2C data to/from Front Panel card
    i_I2C_INTn		=> i_I2C_INTn		-- Interrupt input - active low

-- Front Panel ends here
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arduino Driver


C Code

Assembly Sheet

Front Panel Assembly Sheet Rev 1