R32V2020 Flow control
Revision as of 12:08, 10 April 2022 by Blwikiadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Flow control operates based on bits in the the Condition Code Register ** CCR bits are set by ALU-Arithmetic-operations|arit...")
- Flow control operates based on bits in the the Condition Code Register
- CCR bits are set by arithmetic or logical operations
- Flow control is performed by several instructions
- BEZ - Branch if the result of the last arithmetic or logical operation was equal to zero
- BE1 - Branch if the result of the last arithmetic or logical operation was equal to zero
- BCC - Branch if the carry is clear from the result of the last arithmetic or logical operation
- BCC - Branch if overflow is set from the result of the last arithmetic or logical operation
- BCS - Branch if the carry is set from the result of the last arithmetic or logical operation
- BRA - Branch always - Relative to PC?
- JMP - Jump to address pointed to by a register
- JSR - Jump to subroutine
- RTS - Return from subroutine