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  • Functionally compatible with BBB-GVS-3
    • Some headers relocated to put same sized headers next to each other
    • Larger voltage translator parts for easier soldering
    • No analog buffers
  • (19) GPIOs, GVS pins
    • GVS pins
  • (3) UARTs, GVTxRx pins
    • GND, Vcc, Tx, Rx pins
  • (1) I2C bus, G, V, SDA, SCL
    • GND, Voltage, SDA, SCL
  • (8) Channels of 3.3V to 5V level translators
    • Use female to female jumpers to route the GPIO lines to the translator channels
    • 5V side has GVS pins
  • (7) 1.8V analog GVS connections with analog voltage/ground
    • Buffer Opamps on the analog inputs
  • 5V pins are all ESD protected pins with 15 kV of protection
  • Selectable 5V source (SYS_5V or VDD_5V)
  • LEDs for 3.3V and 5V power
  • Cape configuration EEPROM with write enable jumper
  • Beaglebone Black form factor



A0-A6 Connectors - Analog Inputs 0-6

J1 Connector - SPI1_D1

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J1	SPI1_D1		P9_30

J2 Connector - GPIO3_19

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J2	GPIO3_19	P9_27

J3 Connector - GPIO1_17

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J4	GPIO1_17	P9_23

J4 Connector - UART1

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J3_3	UART1_RX	P9_26
J3_4	UART1_TX	P9_24

J5 Connector - UART2

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J5_3	UART2_TX	P9_21
J5_4	UART2_RX	P9_22

J6 Connector - I2C1

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J6_3	I2C1_SDA	P9_18
J6_4	I2C1_SCL	P9_17

J7 Connector - UART4

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J8_3	UART4_TX	P9_13
J8_4	UART4_RX	P9_11

J8 Connector - GPIO1_16

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J7	GPIO1_16	P9_15

J9 Connector - EHRPWM1A

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin

J10 Connector - GPIO1_28

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J10	GPIO1_28	P9_12

J12 Connector - GPIO1_29

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J12	GPIO1_29	P8_26

J13 Connector - EHRPWM2A

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J13	EHRPWM2A	P8_19

J14 Connector - GPIO2_1

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J14	GPIO2_1		P8_18

J15 Connector - GPIO0_27

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J15	GPIO0_27	P8_17

J16 Connector - GPIO1_14

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J16	GPIO1_14	P8_16

J17 Connector - GPIO1_15

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J17	GPIO1_15	P8_15

J18 Connector - EHRPWM2B

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J18	EHRPWM2B	P8_13

J19 Connector - GPIO1_12

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J19	GPIO1_12	P8_12

J20 Connector - GPIO1_13

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J20	GPIO1_13	P8_11

J21 Connector - TIMER5

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J21	TIMER5		P8_09

J22 Connector - TIMER6

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J22	TIMER6		P8_10

J23 Connector - TIMER4

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J23	TIMER4		P8_07

J24 Connector - TIMER7

Conn	GPIO		BBB Pin
J24	TIMER7		P8_08

J25 Connector - 5V Selection Jumper

  • 1-2 = SYS_5V
  • 2-3 = VDD_5V

VDD_5V is the main power supply from the DC input jack. This voltage is not present when the board is powered via USB. The amount of current supplied by this rail is dependent upon the amount of current available. Based on the board design, this rail is limited to 1A per pin from the main board.

The SYS_5V rail is the main rail for the regulators on the main board. When powered from a DC supply or USB, this rail will be 5V. The available current from this rail depends on the current available from the USB and DC external supplies.

  • Available current (per pin)
    • 1000mA (x2 pins), VDD_5V
    • 250mA (x2 pins), SYS_5V

J11 - Personality EEPROM Write Enable (WE)

  • Install for write enable
  • Remove for write protect

EEPROM Connections

  • The EEPROM connections are on I2C and have on-board pullup resistors.
  • The connections are local to the card.
  • The EEPROM part number is CAT24C256WI-GT3

Production Testing


  • Install BBB-GVS-4 on Rev C BeagleBone Black card
  • Install shunt at SYS on J25 (5VSEL)
  • Install shunt at WE
  • Ethernet connection to BBB
  • Power via 5V jack to BBB
  • Verify 5V and 3.3V LEDs are lit
  • BBB are located on the Secondary net at:
    • BBB Rev C -
    • BBB Rev B -
  • Log in via putty
    • User = root
    • Password = enter

EEPROM Programming

  • Go to directory
  • Program the EEPROM
  • Verify by typing
cd ~/pyBBB/BBB-GVS-4/mkeeprom
cat data.eeprom > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0054/eeprom
cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0054/eeprom | hexdump -C
  • Result should be like -
00000000  aa 55 33 ee 41 30 42 42  42 2d 47 56 53 2d 33 00  |.U3.A0BBB-GVS-4.|
00000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 58 31  00 00 4c 61 6e 64 20 42  |......X1..Land B|
00000030  6f 61 72 64 73 2c 20 4c  4c 43 42 42 42 2d 47 56  |oards, LLCBBB-GV|
00000040  53 2d 33 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 30 30 30 30  |S-4.........0000|
00000050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000000e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 fa 01 f4  |................|
000000f0  00 fa 00 00 ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |................|
00000100  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |................|
  • Remove WE jumper
  • Type
cat data.eeprom > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0054/eeprom
  • Result should be error
root@BBB01:~/pyBBB/BBB-GVS-3/mkeeprom# cat data.eeprom > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0054/eeprom
cat: write error: Connection timed out

Analog Testing

BBB-GVS-3 TEST P1838 720PX.jpg

  • GRID49 card has a resistor ladder
    • (8) 10K resistors
    • From 1.8V to all 7 inputs to ground
    • Input in 1/8 steps
  • Cable connections
    • 1x9 end marked "PROTOA12" plugs into resistor card with "PROTOA12" label facing towards resistors
      • Green wire at A1 grid location on GRID49 card, white wire at K12 grid location
    • 3-pin connector marked "A5" goes to A5
      • Label faces Ethernet jack
      • Green wire goes to ground, white wire goes to +1.8V
  • Run analog ladder code
    • May need to run 2x to get accurate value
cd ~/pyBBB/BBB-GVS-4/analogLadder
  • Pass/Fail message will be displayed
  • Ideal values are
val0  0.625
val1  0.125
val2  0.75
val3  0.24
val4  0.50
val5  0.375
val6  0.875
PASS - Analog values match expected ladder values

GPIO Testing

Cable set

  • Cables connect LED-32 card in ODAS Test Station to UUT
LED-32 connections

File:BBB-GVS-4 TEST P1841 720PX.jpg

  • Hook up LED-32 Card to these pins
    • Connect LED32-1 to LED-32 card at pin 1
    • Connect LED32-21 to LED-32 card at pin 21
BBB-GVS-3 connections

File:BBB-GVS-4 IMG 6133 Jacks 720px.jpg

  • Connect "loose" 1x8 cable marked "3.3V-SIG" from UUT 3.3V side of translator, connect to "J12-SIG" UUT J12
  • Connect 1x8 cable from LED-32 marked "GND" to UUT 5V side of translator GND pins
  • Connect 1x8 cable from LED-32 marked "5V-SIG" to UUT 5V side of translator
  • Connect 1x5 cable from LED-32 marked "J20-SIG" to UUT J20 SIG pins
  • Connect 2x5 cable from LED-32 marked "J1-SIG" to UUT J1
  • Connect 2x5 cable from LED-32 marked "J7-SIG" to UUT J6

Run test

cd ~/pyBBB/BBB-GVS-4/blink-BBB-GVS-3/src
  • Lights will circulate around the card in a ring
  • CTRL-C to end test

Prepare to re-run

  • Type
  • Remove 5V Power cable to power of card

Combined Copy/Paste

cd ~/pyBBB/BBB-GVS-4/mkeeprom
cat data.eeprom > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0054/eeprom
cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0054/eeprom | hexdump -C

cd ~/BBB/BBB-GVS-4/analogLadder

cd ~/pyBBB/BBB-GVS-4/blink-BBB-GVS-3/src


Drivers / Example Code

Blink LEDs code

I2C Example Code


Issues with X2 card

  • No known or reported issues

Issues with X1 card

  • WP jumper should be WE
  • EEPROM A3 s/b high not low
  • Cut etch to U1-3
  • Add wire U1-3 to U1-8

BBB-GVS-4 Assembly Sheet