Cyclone IV FPGA EP4CE6E22C8N Development Board USB V2
Revision as of 12:30, 16 August 2020 by Blwikiadmin (talk | contribs)
- We did a YouTube video series on this card.
- Includes VGA, PS/2 and USB-Serial converter
- Enough Internal SRAM to make small (16KB) BASIC computers
Limitations on MultiComp compatibility
- Very limited I/O
- Most of the I/O pins are shared with the 16-bit Video
- Would require removing R-packs to gain I/O
- Driver for USB-Serial doesn't work under Windows 10 (painful workaround)
- No SD Card storage
- No external SRAM but very large SDRAM (not supported yet in our builds)
- Would require a mod for serial hardware handshake (there's a pin or two free on the I/O which could at least do RTS)
Additional Features
- On/Off switch - nicer than plugging/unplugging DC power cable
- 4 pushbuttons
- Four digit 7 Segment Display
- Buzzer
- A/D with SMA connector
Multicomp Builds
Pin List
set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone IV E" set_global_assignment -name DEVICE EP4CE6E22C8 set_global_assignment -name STRATIX_DEVICE_IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" # Clock and Reset switch set_location_assignment PIN_24 -to clk set_location_assignment PIN_89 -to n_reset # Serial no handshake set_location_assignment PIN_87 -to rxd set_location_assignment PIN_86 -to txd # PS/2 set_location_assignment PIN_99 -to ps2Clk set_location_assignment PIN_98 -to ps2Data # Video set_location_assignment PIN_100 -to hSync set_location_assignment PIN_101 -to vSync set_location_assignment PIN_120 -to videoR0 set_location_assignment PIN_121 -to videoR1 set_location_assignment PIN_124 -to videoR2 set_location_assignment PIN_125 -to videoR3 set_location_assignment PIN_126 -to videoR4 set_location_assignment PIN_111 -to videoG0 set_location_assignment PIN_112 -to videoG1 set_location_assignment PIN_113 -to videoG2 set_location_assignment PIN_114 -to videoG3 set_location_assignment PIN_115 -to videoG4 set_location_assignment PIN_119 -to videoG5 set_location_assignment PIN_103 -to videoB0 set_location_assignment PIN_104 -to videoB1 set_location_assignment PIN_105 -to videoB2 set_location_assignment PIN_106 -to videoB3 set_location_assignment PIN_110 -to videoB4 # LEDs and Switches set_location_assignment PIN_144 -to LED4 set_location_assignment PIN_1 -to LED1 set_location_assignment PIN_2 -to LED2 set_location_assignment PIN_3 -to LED3 set_location_assignment PIN_88 -to switch0 set_location_assignment PIN_91 -to switch1 set_location_assignment PIN_90 -to switch2 # Buzzer set_location_assignment PIN_85 -to BUZZER # set_location_assignment PIN_13 -to ~ALTERA_DATA0~ set_location_assignment PIN_6 -to ~ALTERA_ASDO_DATA1~ set_location_assignment PIN_8 -to ~ALTERA_FLASH_nCE_nCSO~ set_location_assignment PIN_12 -to ~ALTERA_DCLK~