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Black-Pill-Hub P1383-720px.jpg


  • Carrier for the STM32 Black Pill Board
  • I2C Hub - PCA9544A
    • 4-channel
    • Independent 3.3V/5V power for each channel
  • Separate interrupts for each channel
  • GVS connections for Black Pill pins
  • Reset switch
  • Power options

Black Pill Module

Not pin compatible with Blue Pill due to power pin locations


Reserved Pins

  • PA0 - On-board USER KEY - needs INPUT_PULLUP
  • PC13 - On-board LED
  • PB2 - BOOT1
    • Pulling this pin down by external hardware causes the board to boot to serial
    • Can be ignored by holding both reset and BOOT1 buttons on the Black Pill card
    • Release reset button first
  • PA11 - USB-M
  • PA12 - USB-P
  • PA9 - Serial TX1
  • PA10 - Serial RX1


J1 - 5V power

  • DC jack
  • 5V
  • Center positive

J4 - 5V Power

  • 5mm terminal block

J7 - I2C

  • The I2C interface that goes to the I2C hub part
  1. SCL (PB6)
  2. SDA (PB7)
  3. 3.3V
  4. GND

P1 - 5V

  • 2x4 header with 5V from H2 (Rev 4 card)

P2 - Vbattery

  • Battery power to the Black Pill board
  1. GND
  2. Vbat

P3 - FTDI Module

  • Not as necessary on the Black Pill card since downloads can be done with the DFU mode
  • Cheap FT232 module pinout
  • Remove 6 pin right angle header

FTDI rot.jpg

P4, P5, P6, P7 - I2C Interfaces #0-#3

  1. INT*
  2. SCL
  3. SDA
  4. VCC
  5. GND

P8 - SPI

  1. PA6 (MISO)
  2. 3.3V
  3. PA5 (SCK)
  4. PA7 (MOSI)
  5. RES
  6. GND

P11/P12 - GVS Connector

  • Ground, Power, Signal pins
  • Pin near Black pill is signal
  1. PC13
  2. PC14
  3. PC15
  4. N/C
  5. PA0
  6. PA1
  7. PA2
  8. PA3
  9. PA4
  10. PA5/SCK1
  11. PA6/MISO1
  12. PA7/MOSI1
  13. PB0
  14. PB1
  15. PB2
  16. PB10

P12/P13 - GVS Connector

  • Ground, Power, Signal pins
  • Pin near Black pill is signal
  1. GND
  2. PB9
  3. I2C_INT (PB8)
  4. I2C_SDA (PB7)
  5. I2C_SCL (PB6)
  6. PB5
  7. PB4
  8. PB3
  9. PA15
  10. PA12
  11. PA11
  12. RX
  13. TX
  14. PA8
  15. PB15
  16. PB14
  17. PB13
  18. PB12


H1 - 3.3V source select

  • 1-2 = Power from 5V to 3.3V regulator
  • 2-3 = Power from Black Pill board 3.3V regulator

H2 - 5V Power Source

  • T-shaped header
  • Up - Power 5V from FTDI 5V
  • Down - Power 5V from Black Pill Hub USB power
  • Left - Power 5V from DC Jack

H3, H4, H5, H6 - I2C Power

  • Select the power to/from the (4) I2C interfaces
  • Install in one of the two positions to power the external I2C interface from the Hub board
  • Remove if power comes in from external I2C interface
  1. 3.3V
  2. 5V

H9 - Hub Chip Address

  • Select the 3-bit (A0-A2) address of the PCA9544A I2C hub
  • Remove for 1, install for 0


SW1 - Reset Switch

  • Press to reset Black Pill board

SW2 - Switch on/off J1, J4 power source





DFU Programming

  • Steps from Programming|Program STM32 Black Pill (STM32F401 / F411) with Arduino IDE (Windows OS)
    • Add the URL to Additional Board Manager URLs text box:
    • Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager
    • Search for STM32, select latest version and click Install.
    • Download and install STM32CubeProg from [1]
    • Start the STM32CubeProg
    • From the Tools > Board > STM32 Board, select Generic STM32F4 series
    • Select Tools > Board Part Number > BlackPill F411CE
    • Under USB Support, select CDC (generic "Serial" supersede U(S)ART)
    • Under Upload method, select SMT32CubeProgrammer(DFU)
    • Use the onboard BOOT0 and NRST button to put the board into bootloader mode:
      • press and hold the BOOT0 button
      • press and release NRST (reset) button to power cycle the processor
      • release BOOT0 button
      • Sometimes removing the USB cable and plugging it back in while pressing BOOT0 button works better
    • Upload sketch


Other Programming

SerialPropogramming (AN3155).PNG


Black-Pill-Hub P1385-720px.jpg

Assembly Sheet