Revision as of 12:43, 13 March 2022 by Blwikiadmin (talk | contribs) (→Design Validation/First Article Test)
Eight Channel Optically Isolated Output Card with I2C bus
- Eight optically-isolated output channels on card
- (8) 4N25 optoisolators
- MCP23008 I2C Parallel I/O
- I2C (Two Wire interface)
- 100/400 KHZ operation
- 25mA sink/source capability per I/O
- Jumper selectable 2.2K Ohm terminators
- 3-bit address (Jumper selectable) - Up to 8 boards
- Single 4-pin host interface connector (Ground, Power, Clock, Data)
- 24LC024 Personality EEPROM
- Write protect jumper
- 5V operation
- Compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black
- DB-25F connector for rugged applications
- 95x95mm form factor
- (4) 6-32 mounting holes - one on each corner
MCP23008 Block Diagram
Optocoupler Performance
- 4N25 Optocoupler
- DC Current Transfer Ratio
- Current Transfer ratio curve
- LED Current vs voltage
- Output transistor capacitance
- Switching Time
Opto Characteristics Current Transfer Ratio 10.00% min Vcc 5 V 3.3 V Vf(Diode) 1.25 V 1.25 V Res series LED 330 Ohms 330 Ohms If (LED) 0.0113636364 A 0.0062121212 A CTR 0.6 A/A 0.2 A/A Current Trans CE 0.0068181818 A 0.0012424242 A Res (load pullup) 4700 Ohms 4700 Ohms Vce 0.2 V 0.2 V V load side 5 V 5 V Iload 0.0010212766 0.0010212766
J1 - Power
J2-J3 - I2C
J4 - I2C Address Select Jumpers
J5 - I2C Termination Jumpers
J6 - Card Present/Interrupt
- CP - Card present (pulled low)
J7 - I/O connector
DB-25 Female
Pin Desc _ Pin Desc 1 S7 14 V7 2 G7 15 S6 3 V6 16 G6 4 S5 17 V5 5 G5 18 S4 6 V4 19 G4 7 S3 20 V3 8 G3 21 S2 9 V2 22 G2 10 S1 23 V1 11 G1 24 S0 12 V0 25 G0 13 N/C
Output Stage
Design Validation/First Article Test
- Test Code
Pass Count = 17977, Fail Count = 0
- Runs ODAS Card Test Software on Arduino Nano
- Loopback cables
- Cable connects to DB-25 and NANO-BKOUT pins
- USB running puTTY
- 9600 baud
- Menu driven
- Auto-detect card if test has been run before
Checking EEPROM for board type...Detected OptoIn8-I2C board R=Read EEPROM, W=Write EEPROM, T=Test DIGIOs, L=Loop Test, B=Bounce LEDs
- Presents card type list for un-programmed EEPROMs
Checking EEPROM for board type...Company Mismatch Select the board type 1 - DIGIO16-I2C board 2 - DIGIO-128 board 3 - OptoIn8-I2C board 4 - OptoOut8-I2C board 5 - DIGIO32-I2C board 6 - PROTO16-I2C board 7 - ODAS-PSOC5 board 8 - TBD board 9 - TBD board Select board >
- Select board
Select board > 3 Writing EEPROM Initializing eep buffer len of buffer=96 reading block Family=ODAS Company=land.boards.com
- Test 'T'
- Fail (no cable)
OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 1 Read back on 1 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 2 Read back on 2 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 4 Read back on 4 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 8 Read back on 8 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 16 Read back on 16 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 32 Read back on 32 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 64 Read back on 64 OptoIn8-I2C failed HIGH on bit 128 Read back on 128 Loopback Test PASS = 0, FAIL = 1
- Pass Checking EEPROM for board type...Detected OptoIn8-I2C board
R=Read EEPROM, W=Write EEPROM, T=Test DIGIOs, L=Loop Test, B=Bounce LEDs Loopback Test PASS = 1, FAIL = 0
Production Tests
Test Station Set-up
- Uses ODAS Test Station V2
- DB37RIBBON - Connects to DB-37 on DIGIO32-I2C Test Station
- DB25RIBBON - Connects to DB-25 on UUT
- Ribbon cable set to connect 26 to 40 pin Dupont headers
- Test Station controls/read the Opto outputs via the DIGIO32 card in the Test Station
- Puts out 8 bits on OptoOut8-I2C card
- Reads the 8 bits on DIGIO32 card
- There are three lines per Channel that need to be connected:
- Ground (Gx), Power (Vx), Open Collector Output (Sx)
- If the LED is not being driven, the Open Collector output will be pulled up
- Wire Grounds to Digio32 channels 0-7
- Wire Powers to Digio32 channels 8-15
- Wire Signals to Digio32 channels 16-23
- Resistors can be checked by setting the Power line high and checking the OC outputs
- OptoOut8-I2C card is stimulated by writing to its I2C interface
- Verifies that the Optos work
Test Steps
- Attach Host Computer USB to the Arduino NANO on the Test Station
- Run puTTY on the Host Computer
- 9600 baud
- Enter E to access EEPROM menu
- Enter W to select the card
Select the board type 1 - DIGIO16-I2C board 2 - DIGIO-128 board 3 - OptoIn8-I2C board 4 - OptoOut8-I2C board <<< Select 4 5 - DIGIO32-I2C board 6 - PROTO16-I2C board 7 - ODAS-PSOC5 board 8 - ODAS-RELAY16 board A - DIGIO-128/64 board 9 - TBD board X - Boards without EEPROMs Select board >
- Enter 4
- Should see
Writing EEPROM Initializing eep buffer len of buffer=96 reading block Family=ODAS Company=land-boards.com Product=OptoOut8-I2C
- Select Card Tests = "C"
- Select Run Tests = "T"
- Observe test results
Card Debugging
- Need to set power and ground to power the OptoCoupler outputs
- Outputs via writing out the MCP23008 on the UUT
- Read back on the DIGIO32-I2C card
Setup Power and Ground
- Wire Grounds to Digio32 channels 0-7 (dec)
- I from top menu accesses the DIGIO32-I2C
- L command sets pins to low
- L 0x00 through L 0x07 sets the Ground pins to Low
- L command sets pins to low
- I from top menu accesses the DIGIO32-I2C
C=Card Tests, D=Direct, E=EEPROM, I=access Internal DIGIO32 Direct Access Test Station DIGIO32 Hardware H=Write High, L=Write Low, R=Read a bit, X=eXit Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x00 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x91 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x02 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x03 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x04 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x05 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x06 Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x07
- Wire Powers to Digio32 channels 8-15 (dec)
- I from top menu accesses the DIGIO32-I2C
- H command sets pins to low
- H 0x08 through H 0x0F sets the Ground pins to Low
- H command sets pins to low
- I from top menu accesses the DIGIO32-I2C
Bit to set High (HEX): 0x08 Bit to set High (HEX): 0x09 Bit to set High (HEX): 0x0a Bit to set High (HEX): 0x0b Bit to set High (HEX): 0x0c Bit to set High (HEX): 0x0d Bit to set High (HEX): 0x0e Bit to set High (HEX): 0x0f
Write through UUT, Read via Internal DIGIO32-I2C
- Wire Signals to Digio32 channels 16-23
- D command accesses the UUT
- H or L 0x00 through H or L ox07 sets the pins high or low
- D command accesses the UUT
- Measure signal at pullup resistor on output
- Signal should toggle
- X to exit menu
Bit to clear Low (HEX): 0x00 Bit to set High (HEX): 0x00
- I from top menu accesses the DIGIO32-I2C
- R 0x10 through 0x17 reads the output back
- Arduino Example Code
- LandBoards MCP23008 Arduino Library
- MicroPython Library
- Raspberry Adafruit Python library - See Adafruit for latest version
- Cypress PSoC5
- Raspberry Pi Clone - Cypress PSOC5
Revision History
Revision X4
- Move DB-25 mounting hole to center of pins
Revision X3
- Move DB-25 left
Revision X2
- Added I2C terminators and jumpers
- Added Write enable jumper
Layout Rev x2
Revision X1
- J5 pin 1 indicator needs to be moved