Colpitts Crystal Oscillator
- Colpitts Crystal Oscillator
- Junkbox parts
- (2) 2N3904 transistors
- Standard value 1/4W resistors
- Useful for binning crystals
- Design from Experimental Methods in RF Design
- Built by others (W2AEW, IMSAIGuy, etc)
- Runs from 7V to 16V (may go higher, didn't tempt fate
- 15mA with 4.44 MHz crystal at 12V
- Cut square PCB material for raised pads
- Build on single side Copper clad PCB material
- Large ground plane
Prototype Scope Caps
- UUT = 4.4433 MHz crystal
- Rigol DS1054Z - 59 MHz scope (100 MHz mod)
- UltraScope
- Double clock
- 8 Digits Frequency Counter shows 4.432298 MHz
W2AEW Video
- Wes Haywood EMIRFD cirvuit