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== Features ==
== Features ==
* [https://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/freq_counter/freq_counter.html Original Design]
* [https://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/freq_counter/freq_counter.html Original Design] by DL4YHF
* [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001262793719.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.a6a57b558PTLGq&algo_pvid=77bddd5c-6ae2-4082-8837-73945f792fae&algo_expid=77bddd5c-6ae2-4082-8837-73945f792fae-0&btsid=0bb0622f16000865130548256e846c&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ AliExpress Frequency Counter] - Very inexpensive
** [https://owenduffy.net/blog/?p=11386 DL4YHF 50MHz counter on a Chinese TB-244746 PCB]
* [https://github.com/TheHWcave/PIC-freq.counter-modification/ PIC-freq.counter-modification]
* Frequency range: 1 Hz-50 MHz
* [https://owenduffy.net/blog/?p=11386 DL4YHF 50MHz counter on a Chinese TB-244746 PCB]
* Crystal Test Range: 4 MHz-48 MHz
** Mods to replace crystal checker with sensitive pre-amp
** [https://github.com/TheHWcave/PIC-freq.counter-modification/ PIC-freq.counter-modification]
* PCB size:8*5.3cm
** Fits in 100 x 60 x 25 mm enclosure
* Source - [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001262793719.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.a6a57b558PTLGq&algo_pvid=77bddd5c-6ae2-4082-8837-73945f792fae&algo_expid=77bddd5c-6ae2-4082-8837-73945f792fae-0&btsid=0bb0622f16000865130548256e846c&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ AliExpress Frequency Counter] - Very inexpensive
== Case ==
== Built into case ==
* P-Touch white on black labels
* P-Touch white on black labels
* Inexpensive plastic case
* [https://www.ebay.com/itm/5pcs-100x60x25mm-Black-Plastic-Electronic-Project-Box-Enclosure-Instrument-Case/184015618380?hash=item2ad82f814c:g:iewAAOSwt6RduhdS 100x60x25mm Black Plastic Electronic Project Box Enclosure Instrument Case] - Inexpensive plastic case
** Plastic Waterproof Cover Electronic Project Instrument Enclosure DIY Box Case Junction Box Housing 100 x 60 x 25 mm Black
* [https://www.ebay.com/itm/USA-12-PCS-5-5-MMX-2-1-MM-CHASSIS-PANEL-MOUNT-FEMALE-POWER-JACK-SOCKETS-NEW/264838025913?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 5.1mm Chassis mount power connector]
* 7-9V in
* Right angle header pins pointing to inside of card
* 4-40 x 3/16” Machine Screws
* 4-40 Standoffs
* [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32833340145.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.68406390LYz5Rw&algo_pvid=0bbf736e-a88e-4ac7-9adc-03df1259669a&algo_expid=0bbf736e-a88e-4ac7-9adc-03df1259669a-0&btsid=0bb0622a16017274930362968ef528&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ BNC connector - female chassis mount]
== Rework - Add Pre-Amp ==
== Rework - Add Pre-Amp ==
* Pre-Amp schematic
* Re-uses extra HF transistor that would have been used by crystal tester oscillator
* Based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BxpMm6SLoE
* AC coupled input
* Uses extra transistor that would have been used by crystal tester oscillator
* Based on
<video type="youtube">0BxpMm6SLoE</video>
=== Pre-Amp schematic ===
* When building kit, do not install
=== When building kit, do not install ===
* Front side cuts - blue
=== Cuts/Jumpers ===
* Four cuts
** Blue = 1 front side cut
** Green =  3 back side cuts
* Jumpers Red
* Jumpers Red
* Back side cuts
* Green = Back side cuts
* Short etch on one cut
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* With parts
* With parts
== Testing ==
* Wire on back
== Initial Testing ==
* 4.9152 MHz crystal
* 4.9152 MHz crystal oscillator
* Scope frequency counter shows 4.19520 MHz
** Scope frequency counter shows 4.19520 MHz
* Freq Counter displays 4.9747 MHz
** Freq Counter displays 4.9747 MHz
* Difference = 500 Hz or 0.1% accuracy
** Difference = 500 Hz or 0.1% accuracy
* Can only adjust the variable capacitor in narrow range
* Can only adjust the variable capacitor in narrow range
* Freq = 25,000 MHz - measured = 24.997 MHz
** Error = 3 KHz / 25,000 KHz = 0.012%
* Freq = 10.000 Hz - measured = 9.999 Hz = .01% error
=== Fixing the frequency error ===
* Calibrated using [[VFO-001#Calbration_Using_WWV|VFO-001]] calibrated to WWV
* Replaced 22 pF cap with 2 series 33 pF caps
** Far right near variable cap
* Added 22 pF to back of board
** Upper mid right
* Why was this an error?
** Perhaps the variable cap is too small for proper loading of the crystal
** Could possible parallel a 10 pF cap with the variable cap?
== Firmware Mods ==
* [https://github.com/TheHWcave/PIC-freq.counter-modification/tree/master/HiRes_Freq_RPM1234_Event_counter HiRes_Freq_RPM1234_Event_counter]
** [https://hackaday.com/2019/04/30/hacking-a-cheap-ebay-frequency-counter/ HACKING A CHEAP EBAY FREQUENCY COUNTER]
== Reviews / Builds ==
== Reviews / Builds ==
<video type="youtube">0BxpMm6SLoE</video>
<video type="youtube">8rOCmhPWLWw</video>
<video type="youtube">8rOCmhPWLWw</video>

Latest revision as of 14:17, 1 November 2020



Built into case

  • P-Touch white on black labels


Plastic 100x60x25mm-720px.jpg

Power 5-1mm.PNG

  • 7-9V in
  • Right angle header pins pointing to inside of card
  • 4-40 x 3/16” Machine Screws
  • 4-40 Standoffs


Rework - Add Pre-Amp

  • Re-uses extra HF transistor that would have been used by crystal tester oscillator
  • AC coupled input
  • Based on

Pre-Amp schematic

FreqCounter PreAmp Schematic.PNG

When building kit, do not install

FreqCounter DoNotInstallParts.PNG


  • Four cuts
    • Blue = 1 front side cut
    • Green = 3 back side cuts
  • Jumpers Red

FreqCounter Rework PCB Front.PNG

  • Green = Back side cuts

FreqCounter Rework PCB Back.png

  • Short etch on one cut

FreqCounter Rework-Cuts-Back.PNG

  • Details of preamp input pin

FreqCounter Rework-06.PNG

  • With parts


  • Wire on back

FreqCounter Rework Wires Back.PNG

Initial Testing

FreqCounter InCase.jpg

  • 4.9152 MHz crystal oscillator
    • Scope frequency counter shows 4.19520 MHz
    • Freq Counter displays 4.9747 MHz
    • Difference = 500 Hz or 0.1% accuracy
  • Can only adjust the variable capacitor in narrow range
  • Freq = 25,000 MHz - measured = 24.997 MHz
    • Error = 3 KHz / 25,000 KHz = 0.012%
  • Freq = 10.000 Hz - measured = 9.999 Hz = .01% error

Fixing the frequency error

  • Calibrated using VFO-001 calibrated to WWV
  • Replaced 22 pF cap with 2 series 33 pF caps
    • Far right near variable cap


  • Added 22 pF to back of board
    • Upper mid right


  • Why was this an error?
    • Perhaps the variable cap is too small for proper loading of the crystal
    • Could possible parallel a 10 pF cap with the variable cap?

Firmware Mods

Reviews / Builds