R32V2020 Assembler

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The assembler allows easy updates to the opcodes by reading the opcode table every time the assembler itself is run.

Programmer's Reference Card

Running the Assembler

python assembler.py <path_to_assembly_file.asm>
  • Creates file_ins.HEX and file_dat.HEX files
    • file_ins.HEX - Instruction ROM HEX file
    • file_dat.HEX - Data RAM HEX file

Run without a specified file

python.exe assembler.py
Usage: python assembler.py <input assembly>

VHDL Opcode Constants Generator

  • The assembler contains a helper function to make an file with VHDL opcode CONSTANTs
    • This helps keep the VHDL code in sync with the ops.csv file
  • Used in OpCodeDecoder.vhd
  • To generate the VHDL table of constants run
python assembler.py --gen-constants
constant NOP_OP : std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
constant HCF_OP : std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001";
constant ADD_OP : std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) := "00100000";
constant MUL_OP : std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) := "00100001";
constant OR_OP : std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) := "00100010";

Updating Opcodes

  • Update opcode.csv
  • Generate the VHDL table of constants (as above)
  • Replace the constants table inside the file OpCodeDecoder.vhd

Assembly Language Syntax

Simple example

  ADD r10,r9,r8
  • Adds r8 plus r9 and stores the result in register r10
  • label is optional

Branch example

  ADD r10,r9,r8
  BRA label
  • Same as previous example with a BRanch Always back to label

Data File Format

Numerical constants

nums1:  .LONG 0x12345678,0xffff00000,
nums2:  .SHORT 0xff00,0x4321
nums3:  .BYTE 0x55,0xde,0xbe,0xef,0x99


hi: .string "I have a comment after" ; I am that comment
hi2: .string "Look out for ; character"
empty: .string "foobar"
empty2: .string "Programmers like to say \"Hello world\""
empty3: .string "foobar,spameggs"

Updating Opcodes

  • Modify `ops.csv` to add or change any operations.

ops.csv file

  • The assembler is table driven from the ops.csv file
    • `ops.csv` file contains the opcode encoding (opcode bits and fields)
    • File is a subset (albeit not proper subset due to extra fields) of the opcode spreadsheet (R32V2020.xlsx)
    • This allows opcodes to be created/changed/deleted without affecting the assembler

Fields in `ops.csv`

  • Category is the text version of the first three bits of the opcode field
    • Not used by the assembler
  • Form is the encoding of the other field bits

Running Assembler Tests

  • To run the "end-to-end" tests, from a bash prompt (e.g. Git BASH) run
  • To run the unit tests, run
python assemblerSpecs.py