R32V2020 Instruction Pipeline

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Program Counter (PC)

  • PC is set to 0x00000000 at reset or power up
  • The PC needs a single clock "phase" to load or increment
  • The PC performs increment/Load operations
  • The PC is most often just incremented after an opcode is fetched into the next stage
  • Sometimes a new PC value is loaded (various jumps)
  • The PC can be pre-incremented after the previous instruction is loaded into the later stages
    • This would require adjustment for branching

PC Control Lines

  • clk - 50 MHz FPGA clock - count is held while not ld, clr, inc, or dec
  • ld - load 32-bit PC - from register file input mux
  • clr - not n_reset - async clears - at reset
  • inc - increment PC - from timing controller - State = S5
    • Since ld takes precedence over inc can always inc regardless since the counter will ignore inc in that case
  • dec - decrement PC - '0' (PC either gets loaded or incremented only)

Instruction ROM

  • Instruction ROM is loaded with machine code
    • R32V2020 Assembler generates machine code and loads it into a .HEX file
    • .HEX file gets compiled with the FPGA and uploaded to the FPGA
  • Instruction ROM is implemented with on-chip memory inside the FPGA
  • The output of the Instruction ROM is the opcode for that address
  • User Guide for RAM/ROM

Opcode Decoder

  • The opcode decoder translates the opcode bits into control lines for the opcodes
  • The control lines are used to select multiplexer inputs for the Register File input, ALU operation select, etc.

Register File (in)

  • The input to the register file comes from the output of a multiplexer
  • When the operation is an ALU function the input comes from the ALU Output
  • When the operation is a Load from the Data, Stack or Peripheral spaces the input comes from those interfaces


  • The ALU is used for Arithmetic, Logical and comparison operations
  • Not all instructions use the ALU

Register File (output)

  • There are two multiplexers on the output of the ALU which can select any one of the registers in the ALU
  • The two multiplexer outputs are routed to the two inputs of the ALU

State Assignments

  • State(0) = Clock Instruction ROM data (output) register
  • State(1) =
  • State(2) =
  • State(3) =
  • State(4) = Hold (HCF instruction) / Load Seven Segment Display
  • State(5) = Load/Increment the Program Counter