R32V2020 32-bit RISC CPU Design
R32V2020 - 32-Bit RISC
- R32V2020 is a 32-bit RISC CPU
- R32V2020 runs at 12.5 MIPS with a 50 MHz clock (4 clocks per instruction)
- R32V2020 is written in VHDL
- R32V2020 is intended to be implemented in an FPGA
- R32V2020 is a non-Von Neumann architecture so it may be unfamiliar at first glance.
- Attempts to avoid the Von Neumann bottleneck by having a separate instruction memory space
- Land Boards R32V2020 - GitHub
- R32V2020 Architecture - R32V2020 architecture.
- R32V2020 Instruction Set
- R32V2020 Target Hardware - FPGA Resource Requirements
- R32V2020 Peripheral Interfaces - Peripheral IP that was developed under Multicomp project, ReVerSE-16 project and other projects.
- R32V2020 Software Support - R32V2020 Software Support document(s).
- R32V2020 Adding an Instruction to the ISA
- R32V2020 Performance
- R32V2020 Micro-Code
- R32V2020 Debug and Troubleshooting
- R32V2020 Video Playlist
- We all stand on the shoulders of giants.
- Grant Searle's Multicomp project.
- Neil Crook's improvements to Multicomp.
- The concepts in this RISC design are found in any Computer Architecture Design textbook.
- Nice slideshow on another FPGA RISC design
- No warranty expressed or implied.